The Can I Borrow That? program gives educators across Minnesota access to vehicles, equipment, and technology they might not typically have. To participate, simply submit a request at the bottom of this page. Our team will review the item’s availability and follow up with more details.

Available Items

Semi Truck

2023 Freightliner 114SD

Full-sized semi-tractor with semi-autonomous technology. Use is limited to Diesel Technician, Heavy Equipment Operator, and/or Truck Driver training locations within Minnesota State.  Its purpose is to be used in the lab to enhance knowledge and understanding of autonomous technology, or as a way to outreach to HS students. Prepared curriculum for use in the classroom, and a collection of outreach videos are also available.

Recommended Grade Level: Outreach for Grades 9-12; Classroom/Lab Use for College Level   
Recommended Length of Loan:  Outreach, 1-2 days; Classroom/Lab, 1-2 weeks  
Notes: Requires CDL/CLP for use of truck on public road; must sign Intra-Agency Agreement for a $1 lease

Track loader

Caterpillar 259D3 Track Loader

Track loader with the BB124 Box Blade Attachment with semi-autonomous technology. Use is limited to Diesel Technician, Heavy Equipment Operator, and/or Truck Driver training locations within Minnesota State.  Its purpose is to be used in the lab to enhance knowledge and understanding of autonomous technology, or as a way to outreach to HS students. Prepared curriculum for use in the classroom, and a collection of outreach videos are also available.

Recommended Grade Level: Outreach for Grades 9-12; Classroom/Lab Use for College Level   

Recommended Length of Loan:  Outreach, 1-2 days; Classroom/Lab, 1-2 weeks  

Notes: Requires CDL/CLP for use of truck on public road; must sign Intra-Agency Agreement for a $1 lease

Request form